Saturday, March 27, 2010

CU3ER the coolest slide show ever!

I was browsing some free website templates about a month ago and something caught my eye and attention.  One of the free website template I was previewing had this coolest image slide show ever.  I thought to myself, I have to have this and what is it?  It must be very complicated to put this slide show together or the software must cost an arm and a leg.  I said to myself.  And since my mind had already decided that, this is the coolest thing, but it must be complicated to use and I was so sure I couldn't afford, I just merely save the web page to my favorite and subscribe to their e-newsletter.

And recently there it is in my email.  CU3er, "I know I must have seen this before."  and quickly jump into whatever I was previously doing and ignored the email.  'Till lastnight, my daughter just had to show me this thing on the next called "WIX".  My mind immediately retracted to CU3er.  So I took my time to download the software and bragged it to my daughter and gave it a try.

I was sooooo impressed with how easy it is to install and manipulate.  It is the best image slide show ever.  The one I've been Looking for.  visit my site to view my slide

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